Breaking it all Down: Beacons vs. Barcodes

With all of the recent advancements in the parking industry (and there are many), one notable example is the advancement in beacon technology. Beacon-based parking technologies are the latest alternative to the more traditional barcode options seen in many parking facilities. Beacons utilize bluetooth low energy (BLE) technology, allowing customers to utilize their parking application to park in their chosen facilities more quickly and easily.

Contrary to their barcode-based counterparts which require action on the part of the user to scan a barcode from their phone, beacons use transmitters coded with a unique identity to offer parkers a more seamless and efficient, passive entry/exit experience. Users with the associated location-sensitive smart phone application will receive a notification when in range of the parking facility beacons and be notified accordingly along their parking journey. These applications, prompted by the beacons, will provide the users with information related to location, pricing, and regulations within the parking facility.

Beacon-based solutions allow parking operators to more easily communicate with their patrons with announcements, special deals or discounts, emergency alerts, and more through enabled notifications. They can also provide the operator with more information regarding the customer journey including their route and location throughout the parking facility, allowing them to more effectively serve the user.

But how can this information be used to help the operator enhance its operation and more effectively serve its patrons, while ensuring the safety and security of their private information? Data can provide a great deal of insight into a customer’s behavior, preferences, and needs.  Business Intelligence (BI) systems can give operators insight into the user’s schedule, parking habits, interests, and more. Further, BI can help the operator develop targeted marketing programs to attract new customers and establish and maintain consumer loyalty. These programs can be used to provide discounts, benefits, and amenities based on each individual user’s habits and preferences.

In addition, parking analytical data can give operators a better idea about how their individual facilities are operating, their efficiencies and performance, and implement necessary changes for those that may be underperforming. This data can also provide insights into trends by facility, dates, pricing models, locations, or regions to better understand both their client base and their resources and apply strategies that are working effectively across their portfolios. Let ParkEngage put BI technology to work for you to supercharge your marketing and operations. Contact us to learn how our services can enhance your operation through our beacon-based technology.