Parking Marketing Analytics: Attracting New and Repeat Customers

A lot of parking owners and operators today use various marketing promotions tools and campaigns to reach out to their current and prospective customer base. These solutions can target potential new customers online ad clicks, ads in mobile apps, and even partnerships with complementary businesses like nearby restaurants, hotels, and more.

Similarly, these tools can be used to create and distribute personalized promotional campaigns to existing customers through promotion codes sent out through their branded apps, or direct email campaigns. Such campaigns are valuable to parking owners and operators because they enable you to use the information you may have available from your existing customers regarding their preferences and what benefits keeps them coming back.

A good marketing campaign starts with a behavioral segmentation of your target customers. This helps in the personalization of your promotions and the design of your campaign, for different segments of your target customers. You can use any aspect of customer behavior such as the demographics, the zip codes they live in, their reason for traveling to your facility, the time spent, the time of day parked, amount spent, interaction path with your online content, how the promotion was saved and used, or other social activity etc. You can then designate customers into segments relatively or calculate the absolute segments for retargeting.

After executing each campaign, map the campaigns to outcomes, and calculate the LTV of users across campaigns and combine it with the spend to see the ROI of your marketing campaigns. Find your best engaged customers and the least engaged customers by segmenting them and tracking repeat activity

Look for parking industry marketing tools that would enable you to do the following analysis, across all your campaigns, to gain effective ROI from your marketing expenses:

  • Customer Behavior Segmentation Analysis
  • Campaign Spend Analysis
  • Campaign Content Impact Analysis
  • Cohort Analysis

ParkEngage works with many operators to create and manage parking marketing promotions. Check out our Parking Promotions to learn more about how we can help you utilize your parking marketing analytics to create happy, repeat customers.

Business Intelligence Strategies: Applying Analytics to Your Operation

We recently discussed the importance of customer-related data analytics on helping owners and operators understand and anticipate their customers’ needs. There are a number of metrics across other areas of your operation that must be analyzed to make informed business decisions to run your business in the most efficient and economical way possible,,, while creating loyal, satisfied, repeat customers.

Although every business metric is important and can be analyzed to improve parking operations, in this blog we identify the following metrics:

  • Occupancy
  • Pricing
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Turnaround / wait times
  • Outcomes from promotions campaigns
  • Utilization of parking technology (reservation apps, payment apps, etc.)

The ability to identify trends across your portfolio is essential to evaluate patterns (both positive and negative) and see what is working best for your operation by facility, region, and overall. There are many options available to see both real-time statistics, as well as run reports which showcase your overall operational efficiency.

The reports and data analysis opportunities available with today’s technology provide parking owners and operators with the information and resources to create the most efficient operation possible. These tools can consolidate this data from across your entire portfolio into one easy to evaluate dashboard, enabling you to make the decisions that are best for your organization.

This information is valuable to helping your organization understand the behaviors, needs, and desires of your customers and identify opportunities to support them, as well as your staff, as successfully as possible. You can then make the decisions necessary to help maximize your organization’s efficiency by altering pricing, staffing, marketing strategies, and more. This information can also provide you the information necessary to evaluate supply and demand, efficacy of expenses, and the utilization of financial resources to create opportunities to implement new technologies, promotional campaigns, and more. The parking industry today offers countless tools and resources to provide parking owners and operators with the information at their fingertips to successfully evaluate their entire portfolio. This data allows them to identify valuable patterns, eliminate the activities that aren’t working, and capitalize on the behaviors and strategies that are creating the best possible parking experience for customers while maintaining a successful and profitable operation.